The reason for naming Kashmir is different in view of different historians. One historian writes that Kashmir is a Sanskrit word. "Kam" in Sanskrit means water and "shamir" means water coming out. It is said that water was extracted from the land and dried up, which led to the region being named "Kamshir" which later became "Kashmir".

The people of Gilgit call it "Kashmir", the people of Ladakh call it "Kishan Chappa", the Tibetans call it "Kishan Chappal". Its name is mentioned in ancient Greek books as "Kashmiria". Ancient tourists call it "Zabda al-Qaim". Ancient Chinese tourists remember it as "Shi Mei Lu". In ancient Hindu books, Kashmir has been called the "Sard Bhoomia (land of Cold)".

The history of Kashmir dates back to 4,000 years before Christ. The English writer Paris Jarvis writes that it surprised me, as well as others, that there is a coherent series of information, writings and historical documents about Kashmir's past. Sir Walter Lawrence writes in the Valley of Kashmir: “Ever since the practice of writing history, Kashmir has been a regular nation”.

According to the writer, Khushan bin Akash came to this area from Baghdad in 326 BC and his descendants spread all over the state of Jammu and Kashmir. "Khush" is a Hebrew word derived from the language of Baghdad at that time was Hebrew. When “Mir” means "home" in this language. Thus Ghashmir means the house of Khush. Earlier, the name of this region was "Khushmir" which deteriorated to "Kashmir". A few years ago, a few coins were found near Bhimber with Hebrew inscriptions and pictures.

The total area of the State of Jammu and Kashmir is 84471 square miles. Located in the far north of India, it shares borders with India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Russia and China, it means that geographically "Jammu and Kashmir" is the most important state in the world. It has a long border 700 miles with Pakistan, 350 miles from India, 160 miles from Afghanistan, 201 miles from Russia, 400 miles from China and 450 miles from Tibet to Turkestan.

In 1947 A.D 80% of the state's population was Muslim, 17% Hindu and 3% Sikh and Christian. 50% speak Kashmiri while the remaining 50% speak regional languages ​​like Gojri, Punjabi, Pahari, Balti, Dogri and Sheena. Urdu is the official language and is understood and spoken throughout the state. Kashmir is administratively divided into four parts, in which the 41342 square mile area comprising Jammu Valley Kashmir and Ladakh is under Indian occupation. Gilgit-Baltistan is a 27946 square mile area administered by Pakistan. The Chinese-administered territory of Aqsa Chen covers an area of 11039 square miles. The fourth part is called Azad Kashmir which is independent and covers an area of 4144 square miles. The world's two highest peaks, K2 and Nanga Parbat, are located in Kashmir.

The famous historian Abu al-Fadl, who was a courtier of Emperor Akbar, likens Kashmir to a charming and lush spring garden. Emperor Jahangir writes in "Tazak-e-Jahangiri" that the flowers of Kashmir cannot be counted. How many flowers should I name and how many flowers should I mention? Jahangir even said that he could sacrifice other parts of his government on Kashmir.

Hyun Sang, a great Chinese tourist, came to Kashmir in 631 A.D, he was a Buddhist monk. He writes, "The land here is fertile for growing almonds and other fruits. There are dragon and fragrant turmeric plants called fuchsio. Other medicinal plants also grow. The air is cold and humid. It snows but the winds are less, people wear leather linen and wear white linen, they are frivolous, less loud and timid, the country is safe because of the dragon [Malay giant] so it has superiority to neighboring countries. The people are handsome but hypocritical. They are endowed with knowledge and grace. Atheists and God-worshipers also live here. "

Accompanied by Aurangzeb, a French tourist came to Kashmir in 1665 A.D, he writes.
"The fact is that this kingdom [Kashmir] is far superior to all the manifestations of beauty that I have ever imagined. Kashmiris are known for their
Perspicacious. These people were considered more intelligent than the Indians. In poetry and science, they are not less than the Iranians. They are very smart and hardworking people. Their craftsmanship is felt in the palanquins, beds, pens, boxes, spoons and other things that These people make it with their own hands."

Moore Craft writes in 1824 A.D while touring Kashmir
"Kashmiris are treated worse than animals. This was the Sikh era. If a local was killed by a sikh, a fine of Rs.16  to Rs.20 would be imposed. The fine would be deposited in the exchequer. If the victim was a Hindu, 04 rupees would be given to the heirs of the victim, if a Muslim 02 rupees. As far as the Hindu era is concerned, some of these rulers were so dishonest that nothing was respectable in their eyes. He considered it his right to seize the property of his subjects and to desecrate women, some of whom were extremely shameful in dealing with their parents. They were extremely luxurious, wicked and dishonest. It didn't matter. "

Sir Richard Templebart resided in Kashmir from 08 June to 08 July 1859 A.D. His comment is something like this;
"When I see the view of Kashmir from the height of Shankar Acharya, I see a scene which is very beautiful. I have never seen such a scene in my homeland. I think it is the best view in the world. This view is all over the valley." I am spread out - surrounded by snow-capped mountains. "

Francis Young Husband came to Kashmir in 1887 A.D. He spent 21 years in Kashmir as a resident. He is a writing about Kashmir.
The beauty of Kashmir is not only that every place here is different from other places, but every day here comes a new manifestation of sights. There are many bright and beautiful days but many dull and lifeless days are also attractive. "

About the Kashmiris, B.D. Do Teer, a priest who lived in Kashmir for 14 years, writes in the Indian newspaper Tribune.
"I stayed in Kashmir for 14 years and during my stay I had a lot of experience that the people here have been smart, courageous, free from evil traits and have always proved to be brave in times of danger."

Author of “Guldasta -e- Kashmir” Pandit Hargopal writes in his history:
"Their shapes are beautiful, their limbs are strong, their faces are beautiful, their complexion is mature, they are wheatish and often white, their figures are fine, their height is also short but most of them are tall height."

There were different rulers in Kashmir at different times. These include Ranchen Shah [Sadruddin Shah], Shah Mir [Sultan Shamsuddin], Sultan Shahabuddin, Sultan Sikandar Shah, Zainul Abidin Bud Shah, Akbar Azam, Jahangir, Aurangzeb Alamgir and Shah Jahan. In addition, many rulers have ruled here during the Chak dynasty, Afghan period, Sikh period, and Dogra period.

Jhelum River, Lake Dal and its floating gardens, there are numerous gardens besides Chashmahi, Bagh Bihar Ara, and Bagh Noor Afshan. The beautiful places and valleys like Veri Nag Valley, beautiful place of Ludar, Pahalgam, Amarnath, Sheesh Nag, Sun Marg, Lolab Wadi, Gandhar Bal and Gul Marg are manifestations of the beauty of nature. The view of Woller Lake enchants man. The valley is rich in red roses, daffodils and lilacs. There are also shrines of Hazrat Bal and Shah Hamdan. It is said that an incurable person of a doctor recovers automatically by seeing the beauty and colors of Kashmir.

Occupied Kashmir and Azad Kashmir are separated by an unnatural ceasefire line (Line of Control) established by the United Nations. The length of this line from "Manawar" to "Karen" is 800 miles. In Occupied Kashmir, one lakh Muslims have sacrificed for the Kashmir Independence Movement while thousands have been disabled and hundreds of women have been widowed. India has more than 800,000 troops. Increasing the number of troops does not bring peace, but giving freedom to the people brings peace. The time is near when the whole state will be free and emerge as a free and independent state on the world map.
The state of Jammu and Kashmir is inhabited by many nations and tribes. One of these tribes is the Mangral Rajput.

Blogger: Raja Mumtaz Ahmed

Note: Blogger does not necessarily agree with any text in the book.


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